Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Buzz Marketing--It Really Works

Yesterday's WSJ ran a great story i.e. buzz marketing and cited great stories that underscore the fact that 'its all about the network'. Who's your best sales representative? A satisfied customer that provides a reference. What's the best medium to deliver a brand message? In-person communication. Duh. The best part is, this is also the least expensive way to connect. And, its effectiveness CAN be tracked--all it takes is a creative promotion or tracking mechanism that links the tag line to the bottom line.


For The Trees said...

Marketing, marketing, marketing. Damn. And I majored in journalism.

Well, I'm writing now, and to sell a manuscript I gotta do marketing research on agents and on publishers; to sell one of my print-on-demand books I gotta do marketing research on readers' habits and hangouts, and try to figure out how to get in front of them; to get my name out there I gotta do marketing research to figure out how to get the buzz going.

I don't have any connections, I don't have any money, and I don't have the intestinal fortitude to go playing self promotion. I DO have story ideas pouring out of me, I DO have great writing skills, and I DO love to write. It's all fiction. So I'm gonna have to find out about buzz marketing by starting from ground zero. There ain't gonna be any "message missles" sent out. I just gotta play it close and pray. God, I hate praying, my knees give out so fast...

Anonymous said...

Buzz Marketing is a great tool. A company that makes awesome buzzguides is They are the group that I think is branding Seth Godin's book The Big Moo. But I may be wrong. Their buzzguides are definitely worth inquiring about.