Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sirius Gets Serious with Sponsorship/Promotion Strategy

Noteworthy to profile Sirius Satellite Radio's recent sponsorship/customer acquisition strategy at Detroit's North American International Auto Show. Per link to news story--their marketing gurus are thinking out of the box with a box--and leveraging outsized point-of-entry ticketing 'kiosks' that are being deployed at Detroit, as well as a string of other major consumer auto shows.

The large scale platforms, provided by a company called WalkUp Systems seem ideal for advertisers of all kinds, as they incorporate large plasma screen video and plenty of real estate for static signage; place-based media applications that complement ticket back advertising opportunities for these massive audience events; Detroit Auto Show attendance is estimated at 750,000 and upcoming New York Auto Show will attract more than 1.2 million.

Sirius Radio scored a coup at the Detroit Auto Show this week, and owned the front door media by blanketing the platforms with static signage and broadcasting a selection of entertaining video spots as tens of thousands of visitors stood in ticketing queues to purchase their show entry tickets. A perfect way to drive the attendees to Sirius's exhibit inside the auto show, insiders say that Sirius merely needed to acquire less than 100 new subscribers to justify the cost and ROI for the advertising placement. Kudos to Sirius..Very smart marketing!!

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