Saturday, July 08, 2006

Fair and Unbalanced Business Week?

I'm on the receiving end of a newsletter published by Leadership IQ--a very intriguing boutique that occupies the leadership training sector. Not your typical 'talking head'--the firm's principal is a guy named Mike Murphy--solid background for being a hired gun in the "turn-around management" world, and now provides seminars, training sessions etc for a formidable list of Fortune clients. I've attended one of his seminars--and this isn't jibber jabber stuff...Its tood bad his firm was launched after I was CEO of a public company...I could have used his insight on a number of challenges.

Murphy polls his subscribers every once in a while i.e. interesting topics of the day--the May canvass created lots of stir "What do you think of George Bush's leadership talents"...Forbes and WSJ reported on those results..... Anyway--Murphy polled us on Wed in the aftermath of Ken Lay's death...We all know who Ken Lay was.. Per the link on the title of this posting, it seems that Business Week reporter Jon Fine took exception to the poll thinking it was in poor taste. No big deal. Apparently a few of the receipients of the poll thought the same.. Murphy did a follow up and said he got two death threats...

But, reporter Fine, purportedly an accredited news hound thought it was so distasteful when Murphy's PR firm suggested BW write an article about the poll--he retalitated and sent an email to gawker suggesting that they should write a piece profiling Murphy as a grave dancer. (The front page of BW carried a story by Mark Morrison that pounced on Ken Lay's it seems that Jon Fine has some internal editorial issues that he can only vent through third party platforms)

Who cares? Probably nobody.. just a reminder for anyone that reads Business Week (and of course the NY Times)...and the hundreds of other "objective news channels" be wary of the slant..and that we can really only expect 'fair and balanced' reporting from pre-schoolers (From the mouths of babes...)

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