Its only been 30 days since we last pounded the table about "now-generation" technology that delivers HDMI quality, live video consultations via the Internet.
In point of fact, we've been pounding the tables and screaming from the rafters on this very topic for more than three years.
Its only within the last year that the technology has finally evolved to the point where its top quality, low maintenance and efficiently priced for any small business, no less large business than never wanted to spend mid six figures for "enterprise video teleconferencing" solutions.
Lo and behold, the NY Times must be following this blog, because today, contributor Catherine Saint Louis is credited with a column that focuses on the rapidly growing use of this exact technology within the health care arena.
The article is objective, insightful. The article title "Should Surgeons Meet Patients Online?" is almost irrelevant; the debate about whether plastic surgeons should be consulting on line is tantamount to asking whether barn doors should be sealed like a crypt.
The fact is, the genie is out of the bottle.
And the technology that powers the technology that was once only imagined by The Jetsons is easily procured. We've promoted our friends at Montreal-based LCN Technologies on several occasions, as we think they've got the best for less..We've also tripped over a few other vendors...
Now all you need to do is research the questions that need to be asked of those vendors, and compare their answers and offerings.
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