Who can't resist reading about Carol Bartz? This is a gal that's been at the tiller of major corporations, and at the same time, drops f-bombs faster than a machine gun. When she gets fired from her latest gig as CEO of Yahoo!, what does she do? She calls the board members " a bunch of doofuses"..
If ever there was a lesson not to be learned about how to control the messaging from a global brand's corporate HQ corner offices, this one might even trump the lessons that should not have been learned from the countless HP stories over the past number of years.
1. Firing a CEO over the phone is a very bad idea.
2. Which means that Carol is right, the board of YHOO! is a bunch of doofuses. Hiring Carol to run this company was a doofus move in the first place, but firing this firebrand over the phone takes the cake.
3. If they had the common sense to bring in a crisis management expert before someone was allowed to call Carol, one that would have also been fluent with marketing communication best practices, and who would have known how to pre-empt PR disasters like the one that happened today, 2 billion fewer people would have found out how munch of a doofus they are.
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