Monday, January 23, 2012

Online Video Corproate Conferencing 201: b4 Hackers hijack you, read the Instruction Manual

As a long-time proponent of leveraging video-technology apps for corporate conferencing, its no surprise that in the race to zero (i.e. low cost offerings), back doors for breaching are easily opened by uninvited viewers.

In today's NYT article by Nicole Perlroth, it seems that the actual problem is not necessarily with the respective 3rd party technologies that are popular, but network administrators /implementers are often forgetting to read instruction manuals that direct users on how to configure the applications, which are frequently set to the lowest security thresh holds to make it as easy as possible for viewers (and broadcasters).

The take-away for type A's that plug and play without first reading the instruction manual: Read the instruction manual. 

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