Monday, December 16, 2013

Bitcoin Accepted Here!

bitcoinimages   Its official, JLC Group, the corporate marketing, branding and advisory to disruptive thought-leaders is now accepting Bitcoin in connection with payment for services, or if you simply want to send us some.

Yes, those of you who remain skeptical re: use of bitcoin in lieu of government issued currency are justified for wanting to wait until bitcoins become ubiquitous, i.e. when PayPal creates a means to transact with bitcoin, or when FaceBook Bank opens for business (the latter is an idea that we proposed last year, but has not yet resonated with FB execs), or when Jeff Bezos bites into the bitcoin apple.

All of that said, we like to be part of first-mover movements, particularly those that exhibit all of the signs of disrupting (in a positive way) the way in which do business. We were one of the first to extol the use of Google when it was still a garage project,  we were a first-wave wonk re LinkedIn’s march to fame and fortune, and we’ve been way ahead of the curve when it comes to embracing video applications as a means of enhancing brand awareness and corporate value propositions.

Caveat: We don’t recommend speculating in bitcoins the way some folks speculate in FX or futures trading. That’s a fool’s errand!


Bitcoin Accepted Here!

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