Wednesday, January 08, 2014

2014 Top 8 Rules When Choosing a Brand Management/IR/PR Consultant

If you’re outsourcing B2B and IR-related brand management services, you obviously want to use a firm (or expert consultant) that “gets it” when it comes to you, your business and what you want to accomplish, even before you do. Someone that is fluent in your industry, what you do within that industry, your competitors, your customer base, and most important: the most innovative ways to influence how your enterprise is perceived. You want someone that is both a corporate-level sales guru and marketing madman, and also sensitive to your cost/benefit concerns.  And of course, someone you can trust to manage your expectations properly, which means they under-promise and over-deliver more often than not.

If you find yourself switching ‘agencies’ too often, or if you have ongoing frustration with what you expect vs. what you are getting from your ‘consultant’,  its likely those vendors were (are)  missing 3 of the most critical qualifications noted above.

2014 Top 8 Rules When Choosing a Brand Management/IR/PR Consultant

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