In June, we posted a story about how US Federal prosecutors were busy arresting CEO's of London-based public companies that operated online gambling enterprises. We facetiously suggested that as long as the justice department has nothing better to focus on than internet gambling (is it because this worldwide business is encroaching on Las Vegas public companies??)--why not go after the investment bankers that took these companies public, such as Goldman, Deutsche Bank and Merrill and the rest. After all, they'd already pounced on advertisers and their agencies for facilitating the promotion of these 'illegal enterprises'
Well, it seems that George Bush's team of Elliot Ness wannabees took my suggestion to heart--as the front page news story today focuses on subpeonas issued to a variety of global investment banks that have underwritten an assortment of companies. Now, I guess its a matter of time before Fidelity and larger institutional investors are subpeoned for buying the issues for their various portfolios. Then the FBI will need to arrest the individual investors that own Fidelity funds.
In a world where our National Guardsmen, who sign up to protect the borders and cities of the US are shipped off to fight battles in Iraq and other foreign lands..and come back without arms and begs the question as to who should be prosecuted for sending them there. After all, the entire campaign in Iraq was precipitated by George Bush and Co. telling everyone that there was a clear and present threat of WMD's and that Iraq was on the verge of attacking the free world. He and everyone close to him knew that Saddam Hussein didnt have WMD's, other than his bad breadth and the entire story about WMD's was a lie. It was simply a strategy to exploit fear and get Americans to buy into the crappola. And there's plenty of documentation that we've all read that indicates all kinds of fraud was committed by making those representations and putting our children in harms way. Sort of odd that no White House staff member and only two or three Congressmen or Senators have children serving in Iraq.
New campaign slogan for '08--Anybody But Bush
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