Monday, January 15, 2007

Marketing Pizza-

Let's just bag it all and open a pizzeria. Its a cash business, and the margins are great.

But be careful if trying to be innovative in the course of marketing--you might attract the wrath of lunatics.. Case in point--The brouhahaha over Pizza Patron--a 59-store franchise based in Dallas that is promoting "pay in pesos" in its East Dallas locations---to accomodate customers that are on the cusp of the Tex-Mex border ..
Its actually a brilliant idea--as demonstrated by the increase in sales since the promotion was launched. The fact that the company is now receiving all kinds of complaints from anti-immigration zealots--including the Washington, DC-based Center for Immigration Studies is appalling.

And if you ask me, its anti-American.
The entire foundation to our country is based on the melting pot philosophy. And a private enterprise working to accomodate customers ease in paying for products/services emodies the entire foundation...
Shame on those that take exception to Pizza Patron's innovative business strategy.

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