In what can only be viewed as a "profit by extension" scheme by ICANN, the Internet Central Bank and World Congress of the Internet combined, today's game changing announcement to open up the extension market, which is currently capped at 22 suffixes (e.g. .com, .net., .biz, .org, .edu, .mil, and 17 others) and allowing the registration of privately-owned extensions for a mere entry price of $185,000 per extension is going to make millions for fast movers with big check books.
Make no mistake; this is also a game changer for anybody (who's anybody) that's responsible for brand marketing, and anybody that has a vested interested in the World of SEO.
While ICANN had first started planning this idea over 10 years ago, today's formal approval to open up the flood gates and offer the ability to own and monetize customized extensions was no doubt bolstered by the terribly-in-vogue, "its all the rage and there's no supply!" pricing strategy currently being used by Wall Street and Silicon Valley bankers in the course of their touting social media IPOs; a period that will hereafter be remembered as 'The Bubble That Keeps on Floatin' "
Having once dallied up and down the lanes of big bank trading floors, this part-time VC, part-time blogger, part-time rainmaker is lovin the idea. While this post is not to be construed or considered to be a solicitation to sell shares or solicit investment from institutional or individual investors, if you want information on a new private fund that will be focused on leading the land-grabbing gold rush by securing sought-after search phrase names, then executing a "profit by extension" plan with the goal of making 10x-20x return on invested capital--contact us.
And no; our plan isn't driven by a blue ocean strategy; in this case, the size of the ocean went from being the size of a puddle to the size of the Mediterranean Sea. The opportunity to profit has gotten that much bigger for those that are willing to sit at the $185,000 per card table. Chump change maybe, and its more than likely you'll very soon be reading about tens of millions being raised by hedge funds and Wall Street shops to back similar ideas.
That's fine; if today's social media IPO market is any indication, the ones that get to the gate first and accumulate the value properties the fastest can make 50x on their money in under 5 years. This isn't a pernicious prediction, this will be happening. As the notorious parody author of one the blogosphere's more pugnacious sites likes to say: Trust me.
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