This writer has often used this blog
as a tongue-in-cheek vehicle to spotlight the interesting, and sometimes
ludicrous corporate marketing messages. The event that took place in Newtown
CT--a few towns from where I live--compels me to opine from a different bully
The topic of gun control in
this country has been dominated by the NRA. The underlying thesis advanced by
the gun lobby--and the one that waves the 2nd Amendment i.e. "our right to
bear arms" is ostensibly embraced by an overwhelming number of American
citizens. Who can't scratch their head when being told "Guns don't
kill people, its people that kill people" ??
Let's put aside the fact that 'the
overwhelming number of American citizens' are lemmings who take for granted the
nonsense spewed by the media, or through the media courtesy of
advertising paid for by those attempting to influence "the overwhelming
number of American citizens." And it works--as best evidenced by the
'overwhelming' number of lemmings that are elected to public office and find
themselves in the position to legislate.
The 'framers' of the Constitution
introduced the 2nd Amendment because we lived in a world that required
Americans to defend themselves against a foreign government that wanted
to impose its muscle on a people that fled that country (and many others in
Europe) in order to build a democratic, law abiding, free land.
Ironically, Britain--the country we wanted to arm ourselves against, has always
had rigorous laws prohibiting citizens from acquiring fire arms.
But, I digress. Let's take a look at
the United States in 2012. The events in Newtown CT were caused by someone
using an automatic weapon. How or why any individual citizen should be allowed
to purchase an
automatic weapon, or the ammunition needed to fire such a
weapon is beyond any rational explanation.
Gun proponents claim that aside from
the "rights granted by the Constitution", they use assault
rifles/automatic weapons for hunting. Hunting what?! Deer? Rabbits? Elephants?
Is it actually "normal" to believe there is a sport in killing
animals with machine guns??
Each of the mass murders that have
taken place in the US recently have involved automatic and/or assault
weapons. But, politicians on both sides of the aisle have brushed those
events off with "this isn't the time to tackle this issue.." Even
President Obama has played that card;.most recently today when
his spokesman, Jay Carney quipped "this isn't the time to debate gun
control, this is the time to mourn the victims.." This is exactly the same
message that came out during the Presidential election season, when in July,
some nutcase took out an assault rifle in the middle of a movie theater in
Aurora Colorado and killed 12 people and injured 58 others.
Since that event in Colorado,
NOTHING has been presented in Congress to address the ease and otherwise limit
such ease of acquiring fire arms, or specifically, assault rifles.
Yes, the shooter in Newtown CT could
have used 3 different automatic handguns, instead of an assault rifle.
That's exactly right.Which tells any
citizen in this country that if we don't immediately institute a system-wide
crackdown on the ability to acquire a fire arm, events like today's will happen
again, and again and again. At what point do you say "enough is
My message is to my audience:
corporate executives, brand influencers, and industry leaders. To date, you've
kept your head in the sand on the topic of gun control. Many of you are perhaps
card carrying members of the NRA. Whatever. To those others of you: Your
excuses have been any and all of the following: Too political. Not in my
wheelhouse. Not my problem. It's too big an issue for me to be involved in.. I
don't influence..I don't want to risk any backlash from friends, business
associates or more importantly, customers that might be gun lovers...and there
are lots of those!
Newtown CT is a suburban town that
despite a population of only 20,000, it is home to more than a few white collar
executives. I say that only within the context of reaching my captive
audience--which is predominantly white-collar executives--aka INFLUENCERS.
Newtown is surrounded by many towns in which there are thousands of corporate
We don't know why Adam Lanza, the deranged young man
who walked in to that school, was intent on killing innocent people. It doesn't matter why, and its irrelevant as to what his personal
issues or mental problems were. Our society, our culture, and presumably
our existing laws, enabled him to acquire the weapon. If you don't understand
that logic, no need to keep reading.
Allow me to pose a few rhetorical
questions that hopefully- will be spread by readers of this note.
Do you have school-aged children?
Does your wife, sister, mother, daughter, son, brother or husband teach school? How
about any of them fall in to the category of having a family member
with the exact same profile?
If you consider yourself a thought
leader within your industry or your community, do you feel differently
now about not not using your influence, for not saying anything, or not doing
anything about the stupidity of our gun laws?
Do you think its time for you to
step up and shout at your elected representatives to do something now, or do
you simply believe that the odds of an incident such as today's hitting your
inner circle are so small, that its not worth doing anything to try and spark a
change to the madness of how easy it is to buy guns and bullets in this
Here's a solution: Let's all go out
and buy guns so that we can defend ourselves against the other people that buy
guns. Right.
By the way, for you Charles Bronson
wannabees--the odds of a typical citizen being able to have the foresight and
speed to intercede in the middle of a shooting massacre by "whipping out your Glock and pulverizing the perp" are as close to zero as you could
imagine. The odds of winning the Powerball Lottery are exponentially greater.
But, if you did draw your weapon in
a darkened theater or a crowded shopping mall, or a sports stadium to take that
video game-esque perp down, the odds that you would shoot an innocent
bystander is about 1 in 5. The odds that you would shoot yourself by accident
are about 1 in 6. The odds that your young child will inadvertently discover
your gun--hidden in your closet for example--, are not much greater than 1 in
10. The odds of that discovery ultimately leading to a tragic incident are
maybe not more than 1 in 20.
Maybe I'm wrong about the odds
above. What odds would you be more comfortable with?
It’s possible there are more important things that focus should be spent on than gun control – of course, that’s always the case when something horrific happens involving guns.
Some dumb Chinese fuck slashed 24 kids the other day – with a fucking knife.
You’re right – people are cows in a herd, following the herd. Which is why I think the gun control issue gets so loud for hours after until days after incident, and then gets quiet.
Too much of anything is no good – unless it’s weed, than the more the merrier!
It’s our elected officials who have failed us in gun control...and based on what I saw of Obama on TV today, I hope he finally does something about it. I don’t own a gun. I have no need to own a gun. We need to get them off our streets and out of our homes...unless of course you have a legitimate reason to bear arms...policemen for example. We also need to get violence off the internet, TV, videogames and glorification of it in the movies. We are sending all the wrong messages.
So, we agree on gun control. But I see it as the role of politicians to enact tough regulation on this, not corporate executives.
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