Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Private Equity Firms To Buy Ecuador...

Private Equity firm Blackston Group has partnered with Apoloo Investments in a bid to purchase the country of Ecuador--the first of what many analysts expect to be a new focus for private equity firms with hordes of cash and significant access to credit markets. According to sources that asked not to be identified, Merill Lunch and Credit Swiss will serve as bankers on the deal.....

Noted one Wall Street researcher "This is just the beginning...a country like Ecuador has signifcant untapped natural resources, a cheap labor force, and a strategic location. No doubt current management of the country will be in a much better position to execute its business plan, without having the World Bank breathing down its neck. It's anybody' guess when the the country will be taken public via an IPO...but its no doubt part of the private equity game plan."

Gotta love it...If GWB had thought of this approach in dealing with Iraq--simply buying the country and paying its citizens to go along with the program, no doubt we'd have saved billions, would have controlled the oil fields, and most importantly, we would have avoided losing so many of our own that have been put in harm's way....Is anybody listening?????

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