Monday, July 16, 2007

NBC News Lights Fire Under Flammable Purell

Two weeks ago I touted a new product that can maybe make $3million in 2 years--a well-branded, alcohol-free hand sanitizer.. If you use Purell, or another type of traditional product that you can easily pick up at an airport news stand, or any drug or grocery. Its a $150million/year product.
98% of the products are alchol based--they have a sticky gel application, they often have a fragrance (that is often noxius), and when you use frequently--they make your skin dry/irritated. Sound familiar?... Its the alcohol that kills the germs but also causes the side effects. OK...lets not forget the 11,000 reports of alcohol poisoning attributed to hand sanitizers (mostly kids--they're apparently inadvertently, or not, ingesting the gel by licking it off their hands....taste bad, and causes some medical problems....
Click on the Title Link to see Matt Lauer light a fire on Purell...Its a pretty flammable message that is probably going to torch the current product category

What's the product that solves this problem:
where can you buy it legally?

Who else knows about it... ?The smartest merchandisers in the country have already planned national product launches starting in Sept.. You can buy it right now on

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I clicked on the link but it doesn't go to that story. If you find the link to the story can you email it me at
