Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Marketing Messages in Times of Mayhem; Perception Management 101

Are we in "unheralded times"? For many, the answer is yes. But for those of us that have been around for more than 15 minutes, or for those that have studied the history of financial markets, we've seen plenty of individual companies, industries, and even economies experience periods of crisis and mayhem.

Bubbles burst, and business cycle "crashes" can swallow the best of companies that fail to quickly respond with proactive messages that reassure customers, clients, partners and employees.

With regard to corporate messages from financial service companies, this is obviously one of the most critical times in history--as the value and competitive position of just about every financial service enterprise is based on good will, credibility and confidence.

Corporate Image, otherwise a "soft asset" is the lifeblood of banks, brokers, lenders, and just about any business that serves a financial service-related entity...and the credibility of these institutions is the foundation to any free enterprise system.

And those that fail to take proactive steps to address the current 'crisis' by not quickly and effectively re-engineering their corporate messaging strategies, from PR to investor relations to advertising campaigns, will find themselves watching their customers run for the hills to havens that are perceived to be safer and more reliable.

Gary Stibel of New England Consulting Group in Westport, CT--an advisory firm that is now expanding its suite of services to include financial crisis management, summed it up nicely in a comment that appeared in today's NY Times: "This is NOT the time for keeping to the course.."

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