Monday, November 28, 2011

#DunderMifflin Morphs Into Real-Life Brand of Copy Paper-#Reverse Product Placement

 For decades, marketers have worked to embed their brands in the plots of TV shows and movies as a way to stand out in a crowded ad market. Nowadays, using 'reverse product placement'. they are seeing value in bringing to life fictional brands that are already part of pop culture. That can be far cheaper than building brands from scratch.

On the heels of a full clothing line based on the Madmen TV show, Staples' has struck a licensing deal with NBC's parent company to launch a Dunder Mifflin brand. Priced largely above private-label copy paper, the Dunder Mifflin packages will be emblazoned with slogans such as "Our motto is, 'Quabity First' " and "Get Your Scrant on," well-known phrases from the comedy series.
Read the full story here courtesy of the WSJ

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