Saturday, September 01, 2012

What's Next for Hedge Funds? Marcom / Advertising to Enhance Alpha

While keeping our fingers on the pulse i.e. new rules that will enable hedge funds and other investment vehicles to leverage marcom and advertising schemes in the course of soliciting investors and enhance their brands, latest self-promo blog posting from HedgeCo,net, a 3rd party marketing platform, makes for an interesting read:

The pending regulations connected to the JOBS Act is one that has advertising firms drooling in anticipation of getting a slice of what could prove to be tens of millions of dollars in fees from notoriously big-spending Alpha types from the financial services world.

If you happen to be one of those that believe spending more makes you more recognized, you're in luck: there's no shortage of vendors that will help you part with your (actually, your investor's) money.

Words of wisdom for deep-pocketed, fast-action hedge fund managers from one of our favorite gurus--and one that works with many alpha-types in the financial world: be careful what you wish for.

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