Sunday, March 09, 2008

Say it Ain't So! Video Doomed in the Workplace

As reported by the WSJ this week, it appears that web-centric video-based applications within the workplace, which I've been rooting for since before they became ubiquitous, is now destined to be doomed.

Apparently, video email and video presentations, the apps that I've been championing, have been overshadowed by office workers logging on and surfing the net to consume entertainment and other video content completely unrelated to work. This type of activity has overwhelmed IT networks, impacted worker productivity, and imposing a massive cost increase to business, as internet connectivity is priced to companies based on bandwith usage.

As a result, corporations across the spectrum are now banning employees from downloading the type of content that has made Google's and News Corp's MySpace so rich in advertising revenue. Oops.

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