Monday, March 10, 2008

Spitzer: A Marketing/Communications Classic

Eliot Spitzer. Former NY Attorney General turned politician (actually one and the same) . Qualities: Self righteous, sanctimonious, zealot, narcissist...and now a self-confessed criminal.

This is a guy that proclaimed to stand at the top of mountain in terms of ethics and morality, spending the last decade prosecuting, extorting and bullying anyone he felt like like, regardless of whether he had evidence of a crime, in order to advance his career--financed in part by his wealthy family.

Resigning in disgrace is great, what should happen is that he be prosecuted (pick a crime: abuse of office, fraud, using taxpayer money to commit a crime (hey, he's on the govt payroll, and no doubt that its a crime in the State of New York to procure sex for money--and if he paid, then we can assume that it was government money that hey paid with).

And of course, he should be sentenced to whatever the maximum jail is for the crimes he'll hopefully be charged and convicted of. US Attorneys investigating the case are no doubt going to be politically influenced by those that will dangle carrots in front of their face. Prosecuting Spitzer for violation of the Mann Act would be poetic justice.

And yes, its heart breaking to his wife and daughters. But Eliot wannabee Ness broke more hearts and families under the guise of ill-conceived prosecutions--without any concern or care for what the impact might be on innocent family members.

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